25/08/2022 Other Services
IFFCO Bazar is an online marketplace for Indian farmers selling high-quality and organic seeds, insecticides, fertilizers, etc. Created by one of the largest cooperatives in the world, IFFCO, the aim of IFFCO Bazar is to make farmers self-reliant. Trichoderma-rich pesticides on its official website have helped agriculture improve plant disease management across the country. Besides this, IFFCO Bazar offers reasonably-priced agricultural tools that can help in improving the crop yield. Farmers have the option of visiting IFFCO Bazar stores in various villages and districts as well.
Protect your crops with the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY). This government-supported insurance scheme covers losses caused by natural disas...
For Indian farmers seeking advanced crop protection, BASF Agri Products in India, available through Krigenic Agri Pharma, deliver effective and sustai...
When it comes to advanced agricultural solutions, Bayer Agri Products in India, supplied by Krigenic Agri Pharma, stand out for their effectiveness an...
Farmers across India can now access Luna Experience, an innovative fungicide that delivers superior protection against a wide range of crop diseases. ...
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