Price: 10.00 ₹

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"Looking for high-quality Alphonso Pulp exports? Frut X offers the finest Alphonso Pulp, renowned for its rich flavour and superior quality.

Why Choose Frut X Alphonso Pulp?

As the matured mangoes reach the Frut X factory, they are inspected and unloaded into ripening chambers to ripen naturally. After the post ripening process, the mangoes are sent into the belt for further sorting and processing. The mangoes are washed with chlorinated and fresh water to remove unwanted matter, and the tip of the mangoes are cut manually. The destoner machinery separates the mango peels, and a waste screw conveyor carries seeds and the waste out. The pulp is passed through centrifugal separators and decanters to remove speck particles.

The pulp is, in the end, passed through a sterilizer and packed in aseptic bags in MS drums. Based on the customer requests and requirements, we supply canned alphonso mango pulp. Canned Alphonso mango puree is packed in Clean - tin lined OTS cans fabricated to ensure quality. The cans can be externally lacquered sufficient to prevent rusting. The final product is stored in our temperature-controlled warehouses

Phone: +91 8989700732

Choose Frut X for the best Alphonso Pulp. Quality you can trust, taste you'll love!"

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Reference Id:#2377935
Phone Number:08989700732


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