Price: 226021.00 ₹


Parenting a child with ADHD requires patience and understanding. Dr. T.R. Yadav, a trusted Developmental Pediatrician in Lucknow, offers helpful tips for managing ADHD behavior:
1. Provide Positive Attention: Recognize and encourage your child’s good behavior to motivate them.
2. Give Effective Instructions: Keep directions simple and clear to help your child stay focused.
3. Praise Your Child’s Efforts: Acknowledge their hard work, even if the outcome isn't perfect.
4. Establish Rewards: Use a reward system to motivate your child and celebrate progress.
5. Use Consistent Consequences: Ensure rules and consequences are clear, predictable, and fair.
These strategies can make a positive difference in your child’s development and behavior. For personalized advice, consult a Developmental Pediatrician in Lucknow.

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