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A minimally invasive procedure to remove the gallbladder is laparoscopic surgery. It's a frequent, safe operation that's typically done as an outpatient. A laparoscope, a narrow tube with a camera on the end, is inserted by the surgeon after making a number of tiny incisions in the abdomen. The gallbladder is then viewed and removed through one of the incisions by the surgeon using a laparoscope.
Here are some of the benefits of laparoscopic gallbladder surgery:

1. Smaller incisions, which means less pain and scarring
2. Shorter hospital stay
3. Faster recovery time
4. Fewer complications

If you are considering laparoscopic gallbladder surgery, be sure to talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of the procedure.

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Reference Id:#2159288
Phone Number:9880822174


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