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A consultant is usually an expert or an experienced professional in a specific field and who provides expert advice in the specific area like business, education, law, regulatory compliance, human resources, finance, health care, marketing, public relation, science, engineering, security and more specialized fields.

Consultation or Consulting generally refers to “Engaging in the business of giving expert advice to people working in a specific field.”If you are experienced and expert in any specific field then you can easily start your career as a consultant.

Generally, somebody asks for a consultant or advice when their current state is not how they want it to be or they want advice to change something, achieve something, attain something or become something.

An on Demand consultation app provides the platform to various consultants to register themselves and on the other side allow the user to directly connect with the specific area expert consultant by using this kind of app.

The approximate cost of developing an On-Demand Consultation app is 4000-7000 USD.

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Reference Id:#2037136


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