11/08/2023 Hospitals, Clinics
Non Surgical Treatment in India
Interventional Radiology utilizes minimally invasive procedures that are image-guided, to diagnose as well as treat patients in nearly every organ system. These procedures have less pain, minimal complication rate and less recovery time in comparison to open surgery.
The Department of Interventional Radiology was established in 2006, at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital by Dr. Arun Gupta. Our department is well developed with our own IR OPD and IR Angio-Suite(Cath Lab). All in-patients who undergo any kind of IR procedure are monitored daily, during morning and evening rounds.
Innumerable non-vascular procedures including FNACs, Biopsies, Percutaneous drainages (PCD) are carried out both on OPD and on in-patient basis. In addition, PTBD (Percutaneous Trans hepatic Biliary Drainage), Biliary Stenting, stone removal (Hepaticolith), PCN (Percutaneous nephrostomy) and Ureteral Stenting are also performed commonly under local anesthesiaor sedation.
As far as vascular procedures are concerned, all kinds of Embolization: BAE (Bronchial Artery Embolization for hemoptysis (coughing of blood), Renal Bleed Embolization & GI (gastro intestinal) bleed embolization are performed commonly. Basically, these are the procedures to stop/control bleeding from the concerned site and are thus carried out on emergency as well as elective basis.
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Ajit Yadav, please contact:
Name: Interventional Radiology India
Address: Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Old Rajendra Nagar, Delhi - 110060 India
Phone: 011 42251897, +91 - 9958474870
Website: http://www.interventionalradiologyindia.com/
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