NodeJS Trainng in Madurai

26/06/2022 Computer - Multimedia Classes

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ZealSoft TechnologySolutions
Madurai-ISO 9001:2015
Zealsoft Technology Solutions (ZTS) PVT LTD, the leading IT solution company is known for it’s pioneering work in the field of IT education, training, consulting, web and multimedia. Our strong research orientation has helped us continuously innovate and implement cutting-edge technology.
Training is to bring you out from the theoretical to the practical mode with the actual content. Get hand on training and experience with top level industrial technologies with guide of well-experienced IT Professionals. We ZealSoft are a great team of well- experienced developers, who have the thirst to keep learning more from experiences. We would like to teach the same to our students . The training is completely in friendly manner and won’t be like your everyday classroom sessions. You are also given the freedom to choose your training hours with the approval from our professionals, because we are more concerned with the comfort level of our students.

“Come join with Zeal and sculpt a bright future for you.”

Node JS

1. Introduction
a. Features
b. Where to Use?
c. First Application
2. REPL Terminal
3. Package Manager (NPM)
4. Callbacks Concept
5. Event Loop
6. Event Emitter
7. Buffers and Streams
8. File System
9. Global Objects
10. Utility Modules
11. Web Module
12. Express Framework
13. RESTful API
14. Scaling Application
15. Packaging

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