Nickel 201 Forged Fittings Suppliers in India

29/08/2024 Industrial Equipment

Price: 400004.00 ₹


Technolloy Inc. is an ISO 9001:2015 guaranteed organization that offers variety, quality, and dependability set into a product offering that encapsulates greatness. We, at Technolloy, are focused on a huge level of value and greatness, offering prevalent labor and products for testing ventures. Our need is our client's total satisfaction.

We are a Manufacturers, Dealers, Stockists, Suppliers, and Exporters of Nickel 201 Forged Fittings, which go through manufacturing, which makes them more grounded, predominant, well-developed, and very dependable.

Our WNR 2.4068 Nickel 201 Attachment Weld Inconsistent Crosses work under oxidizing temperatures, have great warm and magneto strictive elements, and are promptly weldable because of a low carbon content, working in condensers and intensity exchangers. We keep a tab on market patterns and requests to develop new, reasonable, and conservative items equipped for customization. We have fabricated a thorough arrangement of valuable items over the course of 25 years. Our items are completely guaranteed and 100 percent sturdy.

ASTM B564 Nickel Forged Fittings Specification

Specifications : ASTM B564 / ASTM SB 564

Type : Socketweld Fittings, Screwed-Threaded Fittings

Size : ⅛” to 4”

Class :2000 LBS, 3000 LBS, 6250 LBS, 9000 LBS

Standards : ASME 16.11, MSS SP-79, 83, 95, 97, BS 3799

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Reference Id:#2375344
Phone Number:02267437682


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