Price: 168.00 ₹


Neem is a medicinal herb to cure major skin problems like acne, bacterial infection, rashes, itchiness, etc. This inspires TNW to bring you the benefit of this wonder leaf in a form of a handmade Neem bathing bar. TNW’s Neem Soap is medicinal and anti-septic soap which can cure all types of acne ranging from normal skin to dry skin type. Neem is one of the counteractive advantageous natural herbs. Its wide-ranging effective properties have worked wonders in the field of medicine especially in Ayurveda. It is well-known for its anti-bacterial & anti-microbial properties. Neem is effective against several types of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This is why TNW has produced a handmade Neem Soap from this magical herb. With its antiseptic properties, it helps heal wounds, acne scars, acne, pimple, and itchiness. Its anti-inflammatory characteristics help to prevent fungal or bacterial infections that crop up due to sweat during summer. Choose this Paraben and Sulphate-free Neem soap as it is organic and Ayurvedic with endless healing qualities.

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Reference Id:#1718962
Phone Number:+917878780909


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