Navigating College Admissions as a Latino Student

04/11/2024 Foreign Universities, Admissions

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Securing a decent job without a college degree? Not happening.

In fact, securing a job in this economy is becoming more challenging regardless of the skillset, educational background, or overall exposure. As a Latino student who blazed the trail for my family, I learned a few things along the way. While my school counselor was helpful, I realized I needed to take the reins of my college applications.

Eventually, I landed in a community college. Now, I do not regret my decision but with my grades and portfolio, I would have landed in an Ivy League only with a little more effort. With the mistakes I made and pitfalls I experienced, I have helped my three cousins and two siblings secure spots in good universities.

So, if you are a Latino student, trying to secure a spot in college, here are helpful tips.

Top Tips to Help You Secure a Spot in College

It Is Never Too Early to Start Your Application

Even if you are just starting high school, start working on your essay and application. It is never too early. Most students postpone their application until the last minute. Eventually, they try to complete things haphazardly, missing some of the best points that can help them sand out.

For instance, writing a hook for an essay is very important. Hooks are so important that you will find blogs, videos, and even books on writing hooks. Moreover, there are readymade hook templates that you can steal as well. However, teams assessing essays are well aware of common hook templates.
So, when you start your essay with something that is not yours, it makes you appear lazy, incompetent, and even a misfit. It is better to read blogs and books, and watch tutorials but come up with a hook that can truly define your life, personality, and you.

Internet Is Your Best Friend

Getting on one session with a career counselor, taking help from a senior, and paying a grad to write an essay or fill up your application seems like a great option. However, you need a lot of money for this. On average, hourly prices for college counselors range from $100 to $300.

Keep in mind this is an average estimate. As a fellow Latina student, I do not recommend this splurge.

So if you want the best consular in town, make sure you have generational wealth. Not to forget, there is nothing certain and even the best career counselor comes with a disclaimer.

In this journey, the internet is your best friend. Read different blogs, stay updated about admission criteria in different universities, and keep reading essays available on the web. A reliable internet connection, like Cox, is essential for accessing these resources. Cox also offers Cox en español, providing dedicated guidance in Spanish.

Market Your Individuality

If you think, marketing can be used for running a business or selling a product or service, think again. In this capitalistic world, marketing is everywhere, even when you are filling up your college application.

Let me elaborate on this. Your college essay and application are like a brochure or a manual. With the right features, imagery, and impressive design, you can sell yourself to the college.

If you are a student who would like to play an underdog, now is not the time. With your college application, you do not always have to focus on skills. Instead, focus on your potential. Tell the college that you are worth the investment and have the potential to bring profit in the future.

From the ridiculous idea of becoming the first Latino president to introducing free education, it is the thought that counts, so make sure to mention everything.

Target Your Community

The biggest mistake you can commit while filling up your college application is to apply blindly. Most students target Ivy League universities, colleges near their homes, or specific states. Eventually, this limits their options, increasing their rate of failure.

As a Latino, if you want to improve your chance of success, research the acceptance rate. Focus more on colleges with a sizable Latino population. Some colleges focus on college diversity, which can help your application as a Latino.

For instance, Rice University in Houston focuses on diversity. Rice currently has a 15% Latino student body, so, you will have a fairly good chance. In case you are seeking a diversity option in an Ivy League university, Cornell and Williams College have a very good diversity quota. They currently have a 12% Latino student body.

Become an All-Rounder

Your school grades are just the bare minimum; to secure a spot in a good college, you need much more than your grades. Most students think that standing out in class is enough but in real life, most Ivy League colleges get applications from the best students.

So, how can you stand out?

A good way to create a difference is to diversify your portfolio. Colleges generally prefer internships, military experience, leadership roles in the student body, participation in sports or music competitions, etc.

Top Myths About College Admissions As a Latino Student
· Grades are everything
· Apply to the best colleges only
· Don’t write controversial opinions in your essay
· Be modest while completing your application
· You can only get an admission if you are rich

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