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After being an HR professional with more than 10 years of experience in executive search, I had to take a break from my active career due to motherhood. All these years, I could feel a vacuum/unfulfilled space
within me, wherein I wanted to do something for myself which keeps me constructively engage. Life gave many opportunities to go back to search industry, however that was never my inner calling. It took me 7 years to get a clarity about WHAT is that thing I need to do, which is fulfilling and allows me to connect to my deeper self. I don’t know when, where or how I started dwelling with the idea of COACHING. During this lockdown, finally I was able to make up my mind to do this certification of ‘The Art and Science of Coaching’ from Erickson International.

I feel coaching is an individual’s own journey of self- discovery and self -awareness and deeply very personal. Post this, comes ACCEPTANCE of yourself and from there you embark on a journey of being a better version of yourself. The metaphor which comes to my mind when I hear the word ‘coaching’ is the brook. These two lines resonate in my ears from ‘The Brook‘ a poem written by Alfred Lord Tennyson.

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Reference Id:#1818591


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