MS in Germany for Indian Students

16/04/2024 Foreign Universities, Admissions

Price: 1.00 ₹


Following are the reasons that compel one to say that you should definitely consider going to Germany for MS:

1.No tuition fees: Every single public university in Germany is funded by the state and it is literally free of charge (Tuition fee) for both Germans as well as international students. At present, there are over 400 public universities in Germany which host approximately 2 million students across the region of Germany. On the contrary there are only few private institutes that have only 5% students enrolled as compared to the public German universities.

2.Splendid infrastructure and excellent staff of higher education: The German universities can be majorly categorized into 3 kinds:

University of applied sciences
Art, Technical, film and Musical colleges
Other universities
Speaking about most of the public universities in Germany for MS, they are quite old and possess a significant tradition of qualitative education. In addition to this, all of them have prominent names in various academic disciplines. Whereas when we talk about the private universities, most of them were established after the Second World War which means they are incomparable with most of the public universities in terms of teaching experience and establishment.

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