MRI amp CT Scan Machine In India

19/07/2022 Industrial Equipment

Price: 15000000.00 ₹


And what's the difference in price for a new and used MRI scanner – This will be answered during this blog. MRI systems are found within a good price range of 30.000 – 700.000 euros.

But, you would like to look at your requirements before making up your mind. a number of the cheaper ones are only fit for extremity examinations and the most expensive MRIs are suited for state-of-the-art examinations which you might not need.

One of the cheapest MRI systems is the Esaote C-Scan, an extremity scanner and a superb choice for orthopedists. As this technique does not require additional shielding it can be installed in a small clinic.

At the opposite end of the scale are the 1.5 Tesla MRI machine price and three Tesla MRI prices. These are systems with higher Tesla measures, systems with zero boil-off magnets, and high gradients.

Furthermore, MRI machine prices are suffering from several other factors: Year of manufacture (YOM), field intensity, gradient strength, slew rate, and channels. the upper number on these, the upper the price – This we will also dig into later.

For a fast overview of the prices of used systems, have a glance at the price matrix below. this may illustrate that there is no one simple answer to: “How much does an MRI machine cost”. It contains samples of MRI price levels, as MRI prices fluctuate greatly, in some cases, you'll get an installation project for a certain price, other times you pay the identical amount for an MRI system only.

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