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Mindset, attitude, and behavior are the most significant distinctions between rich and poor people. The rich and the poor differ not just in terms of how much money they have, but also in terms of how they think. Rich individuals have a distinct style of thinking than poor and middle-class folks.

The difference between the rich and the poor is a positive mindset, and emphasis on doing the right thing above doing good, becoming a lifelong learner, and cautious risk management. This lowers their chances of becoming impoverished in the aftermath of a tragedy and aids them in achieving their long-term financial goals.

Today, we’ll look at the top 10 richest person of India, top 10 richest person in India 2019, and top 10 richest person in India 2018. Are you ready to meet them? Let’s begin with Mukesh Ambani, India’s richest person.

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