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Marble VS Granite which one suits which area? Let’s discuss in brief both the natural stones. Marble and Granite both are natural stones. These natural stones are prone to chipping and staining but not primarily. Both Granite and Marble are demanded options for flooring and countertops. Now the concept of marble vs granite begins with the idea.

Marbles are the developed version of limestone. It is formed after heating the limestone at extreme temperatures. Due to this, the minerals and components grow even more and fuse evenly. Marbles are usually light-colored stones before heating. If it contains impurities like clay minerals and iron oxide, we will be able to see different colors such as bluish, grey, pink, yellow, or black.

Marbles are used in the discussion of marble vs granite for building significant monuments, sculptures, interior decorations, tabletops, and novelties. Marbles occur in massive deposits that can be hundreds of feet thick. Colour and appearance are their most quality.

Granites are igneous rocks formed with the composition of quartz and feldspar with a minor amount of mica, amphiboles, and other minerals. The Granites are used in daily life applications such as countertops, flooring, paving stones, curbing, stair treads, and cemetery monuments.

It is one of the oldest and most complex rocks in the world. As granites are ancient and natural stones, they have a variety of colors and appearances, as every piece is unique.
As granites are very hard, they don’t get easily susceptible to scratches. The price of Granites is relatively less than Marble.

These are the best available colors for Granites and Marble


On average, Marble’s price is relatively high vs to granite’s price. Marble’s price starts at 80rs/sq.ft, and the granite price starts at 60rs/sq.ft. Granite is more complex and more robust than Marble. The main feature of Granite is that it resists heat, and due to this reason, it is widely used on kitchen countertops.

Granites are not the most porous, but it is still porous, and that’s why it is usually used on kitchen countertops, as they can bear the liquid. Marbles are more porous, and they need to get sealed by layers every once in a while.

These natural stones are more in demand because of their elegance and natural look. Both options are costly at the same time. But granites required less maintenance compared to Marble.

All Natural stones require different maintenance levels. Generally, Granite is very durable, stain-resistance, and has lower maintenance than Marble which requires regular protection with a sealant-designed surface. Most Granites are installed for kitchen countertops, and marbles are finalized for flooring.

In a nutshell, Granites are the best option for kitchen countertops and bathroom floors, whereas Marble can be the best option for indoor flooring of rooms and halls.

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