17/12/2022 General electronics
The board's polish keeps the circuit layer safe and gives the assembly a place to solder parts. There are several printed circuit board coatings that each have their benefits and drawbacks. Talking about the board's expectations and the project budget may help you choose the proper finish. Standard epoxy glass or metal cores are commonly found in LED printed circuit board cores from LED PCB manufacturer.
Aluminum is the most typical metal core used in LED printed circuit boards. Heat is readily transferred from the board to the exterior by this metal. By doing this, it improves the heat sink's ability to shield the circuit board's components from being harmed by high heat.
Contact Info:-
High Quality PCB Co., Limited
Office: Shajing Town, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518000, China
Plant 1 address: Building 5-6, Fu Qiao 3rd Industrial Zone, Bao' an, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Plant 2 address: Zhuhai, Guangdong, China
Plant 3 address: Dongguan, Guangdong, China
TEL: +86-755-23724206
WahtsApp: +86-189 2381 2997
Skype: shawnwang2006
Email: sales@efpcb.com
The board's polish keeps the circuit layer safe and gives the assembly a place to solder parts. There are several printed circuit board coatings that ...
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