Learning Step School

26/02/2024 School, College

Price: Check with seller


About Learning Step School School
As a founder of Learning Step School I am elated to welcome you to the website. Learning Step School is a truly innovative and caring family oriented institution. The school is committed to the all round development of the child.
We constantly strive to achieve the very best for students. We want your son and daughter to leave Learning Step School with best possible academic qualification education is a partnership between home & school and we place a great deal of Emphasis on our relationship with parents.
Our programs incorporate an integrated curriculum that promotes learning primarily through music, art, drama, dance, projects, discover centers, computer activities, field trips, outdoor play and adventure.
The highest educational goal of every nation in to create ideal citizen, individuals capable of fulfilling their own goals while upholding the interests of others and the progress of the whole society. For this goal to become a living reality, education must actualize the full potential of the most precious resource of the country, the human brain of every citizen.
Education should be defined as the process of culturing the individual to display perfection in life. Education should enable any individual to spontaneously utilize the total creative intelligence of Natural Law. All his thought, speech and action will be spontaneously upheld by the silent power of peace that permeates all activity in the universe.

Spiritual Aspects
The spiritual development of the students at BBPS forms an integral part of its philosophy of education. The School emphasises the primary role parents play in their children’s spiritual development.
Students, regardless of their particular religious faith, are encouraged to foster their relationship with God and to develop their spiritual life with a genuine spirit of freedom and commitment. This enables them to be enriched as human beings and to be excellent persons in every sense of the word.
Morning Assembly Programme gives students the opportunity to acquire a deep understanding of all religions and their practice. Intrinsic to this is the greatest respect for the freedom of consciences.
All festivals are celebrated with equal enthusiasm and participation.

The aim of Learning Step School is to provide a child for academic excellence ensuring education at affordable cost in a hygienic eco friendly setting, bring out inner potentials of the children through inquiry based learning, ensuring over all development of each child by motivating them to express freely, stimulating ambience facilities provide the professional care and education, in a natural, safe and secure environment. We insist on working in partnership with parents for the benefit of their child. Learning Step School has certain policy documents which parents must read and be aware of.
We at Learning Step School desire that school time be an extension of the home and we
achieve this by providing

A warm environment, with friendly staff.
Showing our affection towards children through cuddles, laughter,
stories & songs.
Encouraging various age groups to freely mix together. However, the children are divided into groups for group time, so that they experience activities at their own level of understanding.
Our effort is focused not only on pure study but also on providing opportunity to each child to explore his or her own capabilities and area of interest. For this, we have provided each child with many activities both co-curricular and extracurricular to help the child become the best person he or she can be. BBPS implements a philosophy of Personalized Education. Excellence is achieved when each person is helped to continually develop his or her potential as an individual and a member of society.
School years are crucial for the development of good habits and character which are the building blocks of excellence. The habit of study, the love of learning and the quest for truth, the responsible use of freedom, personal integrity and a willingness to help improve society, are especially important. These tools are essential to empower the student to become an excellent professional and a mature and responsible citizen. It is well known that the critical developmental period for these qualities is up to the age of twelve years. The earlier a child benefits from an education which fosters these good qualities the better the chance he or she has to reach his or her full potential and to make a positive contribution to society.

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Reference Id:#2238552
Phone Number:9261999950


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