23/06/2022 Art - Collectibles
Kubera is a god-king in Hindu mythology. He is a semi-divine Lord of Wealth among the yakshas or nature spirits in the Hindu tradition. As a part of the Lokapalas, he protects the world and is the governor of the North. These Lokapalas are Guardians of the Directions involving the cardinal ways (north, east, south, and west). In Buddhism, Kubera is called Vaishravana. As evident in this thangka, Kubera is traditionally depicted as a plump deity but one adorned with fancy clothing and jewels, fitting for his association with the mountains and the soil, its riches, minerals, and jewels. This painting used a blue and yellow palette which highlighted Kubera’s glowing golden figure. The rest of the elements are in various shades of blue.
Kubera Thangka Painting: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/product/paintings/tibetan-buddhist-kubera-tc31/
Buddha Painting: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/paintings/thangka/buddha/
Thangka Painting: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/paintings/thangka/
Indian Art: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/paintings/
Kubera is a god-king in Hindu mythology. He is a semi-divine Lord of Wealth among the yakshas or nature spirits in the Hindu tradition. As a part of t...
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