Price: 387.00 ₹


I just tasted Karupatti for the first time, and wow, it was amazing! If you haven’t tried it yet, you’re definitely missing something special. Karupatti is the natural sweetener that is derived from the sap of the palm tree, and it has such a flavour that is so sweet, rich, but not too bitter or overwhelming. Totally different from regular sugar or other types of jaggery

As soon as I took a bite, I noticed how soft and chewy the Karupatti is. Karupatti is nothing like that hard, brittle jaggery you might be familiar with. This one has a smooth, melt-in-your-mouth feeling, making it super enjoyable to have. The taste is something natural and pure, leaving no artificial aftertaste. Well, Karupatti tastes rather like a deep, earthy sweetness that's caramel and fresh at the same time – it is a very wholesome sweet taste.

One more thing I love regarding Karupatti is that it is much healthier than regular sugar. Unlike refined sugar, which is devoid of nutrients, Karupatti is laced with minerals like iron and calcium. It's a great source of natural energy and a perfect way to satisfy your sweet cravings without feeling guilty. You can add it to your tea or coffee, or simply enjoy a small piece on its own when you need a quick energy boost.

I think kids would especially enjoy it! It’s a natural alternative to sugary candies and sweets, and a great way to introduce healthier options into their diet. Whether you’re using it in cooking or baking, or just as a treat, Karupatti brings a unique, earthy sweetness that’s hard to find elsewhere.

If you haven't tried palm jaggery online before, it is a must try for you. This is a sweet that has nature in every little bit packed must-try inside.2

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