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Kalpit Veerwal is a name that resonates with every JEE aspirant in India. In 2017, he made history by becoming the first student ever to score a perfect 360/360 in the JEE Mains examination. His journey is an inspiration to millions of students who dream of securing a seat in the prestigious IITs. Let’s take a closer look at his extraordinary journey, preparation strategy, and the impact he has had on students across the country. Kalpit Veerwal’s journey is a testament to the power of hard work, self-discipline, and perseverance. His perfect score in JEE Mains remains an iconic milestone in India’s educational history. Aspiring students can learn from his methodology and apply his strategies to improve their own performance. His story is a shining example that no goal is too big when approached with the right mindset and relentless dedication. Kalpit Veerwal’s legacy will continue to inspire future generations of engineers and innovators for years to come.

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