
The Jeevaya Institute of Education and Training in Malappuram is the ideal college if you're looking to further your education in Ayurveda and a medical career. A group of eminent thinkers and dreamers founded this institute in 2012 to offer Ayurveda therapy training in Kerala.

At Jeevaya, we devote ourselves to providing our students with an ethical, moral, and value-based education. Our institution gives students a holistic education by immersing them in the environment and the natural world.

Our institute has established clear goals and carefully thought-out plans to achieve excellence in technical and skilled education. And as a result of these initiatives, we are able to provide employment to the students who received a distinction or an excellent grade. All of our institute's graduates are earning decent incomes due to their high-paying jobs in the medical field.

Our experts provide knowledge and a learning environment beyond the prescribed textbook and syllabus without regard to any study criteria. The students' drive to develop their skills to the next level is sparked by this understanding.

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Reference Id:#2030467
Phone Number:+91 97466 708 63


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