10/07/2023 Education - Training
Certificationconsultancy.com offer a Laboratory Accreditation Auditor Training Presentation Kit of ISO 17025 which is this is put together by a group of highly qualified management professionals and internal auditors. This lab accreditation training presentation kit is highly handy for delivering corporate training on laboratory management systems for both calibration and testing laboratories and any other work area. Many of our clients in the US, the UK, the UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and the Middle East have already used it to prepare ISO: 17025 certification training for their personnel. This training material is attractively created and presented in order to clearly communicate the idea and achieve a much better understanding. We have assisted over 100 laboratories and refineries worldwide in achieving ISO 17025 accreditation and effectively implementing a quality system in their calibration and testing laboratories.
Please go to through site : https://www.certificationconsultancy.com/laboratory-accreditation-auditor-training-ppt-presentation.htm
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The ISO 17025 internal auditor training e-learning course is designed for auditors who want to learn how to audit or implement a Laboratory Management...
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