Price: 69.00 US$


ISO 15189 Medical Laboratory Awareness Training – an online course will give participants an overview of the ISO 15189: 2012 quality and capability requirements for medical laboratories.
ISO 15189: 2012, which is based upon ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO 9001 specifies requirements for competence and quality that are particular to medical laboratories. This online ISO 15189 awareness training course will help participants to get an understanding of the requirements for quality and capability of medical laboratories and execution of quality management system in medical laboratories as per ISO 15189: 2012 standard.
This knowledge can be very useful for those who want to establish, implement, maintain and improve a quality management system in their medical laboratory and get ISO 15189: 2012 accreditation. The ISO 15189 Medical Laboratory Awareness Training course has been designed taking into consideration the convenience of attendees.
In a short time, this course will satisfy part of the formal training needs of individuals seeking knowledge about ISO 15189 requirements, documentation for medical laboratories, and steps for ISO 15189 accreditation for medical laboratories. This course will also provide attendees with an overall awareness of the ISO 15189 medical laboratory quality management system.
After completion of these course user will understand the requirements of the ISO 15189:2012 standard. Understand the QMS implementation in medical laboratories and steps for ISO 15189 accreditation, and much more.
For more information about ISO 15189 Awareness Training, you can visit here:

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