23/08/2021 Other Vehicles
In India Mahindra tractor 475 comes with Modern features and top facilities. It has 42 hp power, 4 cylinder engine and 2730 cc powerful engine which generated more productivity compared to other tractors. The Mahindra 475 DI tractor is known for its excellent performance and long period of working in the field. Its price is also best for all the Indian farmers . For more information about this tractor stay connected with the Tractor junction.
Mahindra tractors have earned a reputation for reliability and performance in agriculture. TractorGyan, a respected platform dedicated to agricultural...
The New Holland 5630 TX Plus 4WD tractor stands as a versatile asset for a wide spectrum of agricultural and commercial tasks, showcasing robust capab...
The Mahindra 475 DI XP Plus is a robust and reliable 2WD tractor, featuring a 44 horsepower 4-cylinder, 2979 cc engine with 2000 engine RPM. Designed ...
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