07/09/2023 Food Items
Ghee Strengthens immunity. As it is loaded with essential fat-soluble vitamins D, K, E and A, these nutrients ramp up our body functions, including immunity. Ghee’s ability to aid the body to absorb fat-soluble minerals and vitamins from other foods, nourishes our immune system, arming it with the right defence mechanisms.
Boost your immune system with desi ghee as it has many health benefits as below:
-Improves Heart Health
-Immunity Booster
-Energy Booster
-Strengthen Bones
-Improves Eyesight
Ghee Strengthens immunity. As it is loaded with essential fat-soluble vitamins D, K, E and A, these nutrients ramp up our body functions, including im...
Ghee is one of the source of immune-boosting foods. In Sanskrit, ghee is known as “ghrita” and Ayurveda has given high importance to ghee for it’s imm...
Turmeric milk with desi ghee can together assist in enhancing your digestion tract, immunity, and overall health. Consumption of a concoction of the t...
Ghee is a powerful agent with protective elements to fight cancer. A powerful compound called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), CLA found in ghee acts a...
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