ias coaching in kolkata

26/05/2024 Tutoring - Private Lessons

Price: 1.00 ₹


If you are looking for top-notch IAS coaching in Kolkata, look no further than IMPULSE IAS. Situated in the heart of the city, our institute is renowned for its excellent track record of producing successful candidates year after year. Our team of experienced faculty members are not only experts in their respective fields but also passionate about guiding and mentoring aspiring civil servants. With a comprehensive curriculum tailored to meet the needs of UPSC exam takers, we ensure that our students receive a thorough understanding of all subjects and concepts. At IMPULSE IAS, we believe in providing personalized attention to each student, focusing on individual strengths and weaknesses to help them achieve their maximum potential. Join us today and embark on your journey towards becoming an esteemed member of the Indian Administrative Service.ias coaching in kolkata

Visit Website: https://www.impulsecs.com/
Contact Us: +91 9903582403 / 033-2475 6644
Email: impulseias@gmail.com
Address: 1/1B Hazra Road, near Hazra Xing, Kolkata- 700026

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Reference Id:#2298831
Phone Number:+91 9903582403


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