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How to open a travel agency on the UAE mainland in six easy steps
1. Establish your business activity:
You’ll have to decide exactly what sort of travel company you want to operate; will you specialize as a travel agency business, an inbound tour operator or an outbound operator?
2. Choose a company name:
The consequences of undertaking this alone can be time-consuming; the DED won’t grant a business license if your company name falls foul of the rules, and you can be fined for misusing a name that DED has allowed but subsequently fails to reflect your primary activity.
3. Apply for a business license:
In Dubai, trade or business licenses (commercial, professional, industrial and tourism) are issued by the DED.
4. Apply for your tourism license:
Your next step is to apply to the DTCM for one of those three additional licenses: outbound operator, inbound operator or travel agent.
5. Set up employee visas:
The e-channels portal now makes applying much easier, but you still need to ensure employees’ passports are valid for at least six months at the time of entry and that, ideally, they don’t leave the UAE until entry permits are issued.
6. Open a corporate bank account:
No bank will recognize your business without a trade license.
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