Price: 800014.00 ₹


If you want to take advantage of Sky Train Ambulance Service in Patna then if you or any member of your family has to go to a hospital in the city and get a trained person to see him or her, that is, he is suffering from the disease and he has reached the last stage, then in such a situation, if you or any member of your family gets a trained person to show him to the hospital in the city, then you have to book Sky Train Ambulance Services In Patna which will safely transfer your desired patient to that hospital in a very short time and a team of doctors and nurses has been provided in our Sky Train Ambulance Services Patna who takes care of your patient and takes care of your patient. There are various types of equipment like ventilators, oxygen packages and other equipment available so that your patient does not face any problem in getting placement in any other hospital in the city.

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Vasundhara Sector - 3, Ghaziabad, NCR Delhi

Mob: +91-9264470195, +91-9264470196



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Reference Id:#2516022
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