28/05/2024 Others
As of the latest update, the Trademark Registration fee in India varies based on the type of applicant and the mode of filing. For individual or startup applicants, the fee is INR 4,500 for online applications and INR 5,000 for physical filings. For companies or other entities, the fee is INR 9,000 for online filings and INR 10,000 for physical applications. These fees cover the cost of filing a single class of goods or services. Additional fees may apply for multi-class applications, renewals, or other trademark-related services. It is important to consult the official website of the Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks (CGPDTM) for the most current fee structure and any potential updates.
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As of the latest update, the Trademark Registration fee in India varies based on the type of applicant and the mode of filing. For individual or start...
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