How is MBBS in Russia Different from India

16/04/2024 Foreign Universities, Admissions

Price: 1.00 ₹


Medical System: The Russian healthcare system is mainly public, focusing on preventive care. In India, the system is a mix of public and private, emphasising curative care. You'll gain exposure to different healthcare models in both countries.

Patient Exposure: Both countries offer rich clinical experience, but the patient volume in India might be higher due to its larger population. This can provide more diverse clinical cases for hands-on learning.

Language of Instruction: It's essential to prioritise universities offering English-taught medical programs when choosing. It ensures compliance with the National Medical Commission (NMC) guidelines and avoids the potential challenges of bilingual universities. While learning basic Russian can benefit patient interactions, cultural integration, and deeper academic understanding, it's crucial to seek programs conducted entirely in English to fulfil the NMC requirements for practising in India.

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