Price: 250000.00 ₹


The rectangular trough at the base of the universal kneading and mixing machine curves to form two half-cylinders. This is the elementary structure of the machine. It also has two blades that are oriented horizontally, and it may be operated by using the appropriate gearing on the top or bottom of the trough. With each revolution, the blades cover the whole surface area of the half-cylinder. Their disparate and uneven rotational rates impart both transverse and lateral motion to the batch.

Because of how little room there is between the blades and the trough, the blades will fully mix every single particle in the batch. This happens because every particle in the batch is constantly moving as the blades revolve through it. There is a lot of kneading occurring simultaneously as the material is blended and crushed by the saddle, sidewalls, and blades. Sigma mixers are capable of effortlessly handling both highly stiff plastic masses and dry granules.

The kneading section, the base portion, the hydraulic system, the transmission system, and the electric control system are the five essential components of Tipco Engineering Sigma Mixer machines.

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Reference Id:#2271948
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