Price: 136800.00 ₹


EDEN IAS exam preparation modules currently being offered to cover all the various domains under a single umbrella program called UTKARSH. UTKARSH is a 1-year foundation course that will assist students in working through all the core textbooks, including NCERTs and other core texts that will aid in forming the student with all the concepts comprehensively.
They also participate in answer writing modules that will aid students in learning the material for all four GS papers—papers 1, 2, 3, and 4—through two interactive programs called SUGAM and STEPS. Through these programs, students will participate in daily answer writing sessions, daily MCQs, and mains-oriented questions that will be discussed with them to encourage them to learn about all types of questions that will be asked in the exam.
Thus, the precise platform that can enable one to achieve the predetermined milestone is the major section mentioned above, through which one can open the door and explore all dimensions.

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