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Ground Penetrating Radar operates by transmitting high-frequency radio waves pulses down into the ground through an antenna. Ground Penetrating Radar is distinctly able at not only mapping buried structures but also relatively measuring their depth, and supplying an all-important thorough detail.

The antenna is moved over the surface to be inspected. The transmitter redirects a diverging beam of energy which is reflected in various underground objects or different contacts between different earth materials.

The radargram measured on the vertical scale is in units of the two-way travel time, that’s the time taken by the EM wave to travel down to a reflector and back to the surface. The travel time then is transformed into depth by relating it to on-site measurements or assumptions about the velocity of radar waves in the subsurface material under investigation. Radar wave speeds vary between 60–175 mm/ns for most geological materials.


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Reference Id:#1841107
Phone Number:+91-96756 94400


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