
Successful people are in control of almost every single situation. They have a realistic goal in mind. They work hard for them and are constantly striving for it. The world calls such people smart. S.M.A.R.T. The true meaning of the word made up of these five letters I am going to tell today is not just a word or five letters but also a formula for a successful life. ‘Smart’ people chase it and succeed like Best Franchise under 1 Lakh in Mumbai.
S-Specific- means exactly, specific ... means there should be a specific / specific goal or goal in life. E.g. I have invested Rs. 20 lakhs for the production of organic compost. Doing capital business became a specific goal like Best Franchise under 1 Lakh in Mumbai.
M-Measurable - Measurable ... There should be a logical technique to progress towards your goal. Ask yourself questions to determine this. We can go the right way if we plan and evaluate our progress. E.g. out of Rs 20 lakh for fertilizer production, I have Rs 10 lakh. Are. I will take the remaining Rs 10 lakh from the bank, Rs 5 lakh machine and Rs 5 lakh rental etc.
A- Achievable - Achieving / within your reach means your purpose should be within your reach. I really need to think about what the market condition is. Also, keep your focus on Best Franchise under 1 Lakh in Mumbai and try to achieve it.
R-Realistic - Keep a realistic ... realistic goal in mind. Don’t go on a diet of dreamy things. Use your knowledge and skills to achieve the goal so that you can be realistic.
T-Timely / Time specific - Timeliness Motivate yourself to achieve your goals in a specific time. So it will be possible to complete your work within the given time frame.
To achieve your goals in life, industry and education, you need S.M.A.R.T. Made. This formula will always lead you to success. Develop your own personality, abilities, skills and attitudes. Or S.M.A.R.T. By following this formula, you can achieve any goal you set in your mind. Then the world will give you S.M.A.R.T. Will say.

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