01/06/2021 School, College
Mass Communication courses are now of more interest amongst the students as they are moving towards vocational education citing more opportunities in them. Mass Communication and Media is a wide term that is not limited only to Journalism but other branches/specializations such as Public Relations (PR), Event Management, Advertising, Corporate Communication, Film Direction, etc. are also included. Join Dev Bhoomi Group of Institutions in Dehradun for Media Studies and a mass communication course.
Refer to their website to know more about the courses: https://dbgidoon.ac.in/department-of-mass-comm-journalism/
Location: https://maps.google.com/maps?ll=30.380255,77.819554&z=14&t=m&hl=en&gl=IN&mapclient=embed&cid=18260614602130140441
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