Gen IT Software for Tax Computation and Return Filing

06/09/2024 Financial & Legal Services

Price: 6000.00 ₹


Gen Income Tax is a widely used software solution particularly created to streamline the ITR filing processes in India. The software has been developed by SAG Infotech Pvt Ltd giving a wide array of features for taxpayers to file their tax returns accurately.

The software supports different tax return forms such as ITR 1 to ITR 7, advance tax estimation, import pre-filled JSON and XML data, challan e-payment, and also ensures to latest rules and regulations. Additionally, it automatically calculates the tax and offers helpful insights and resources to assist in tax obligation management.

Moreover, Gen IT software also overcomes the burdens and missing income tax due dates by reminding them at the right time and tracking the filing forms. This will be very helpful for taxpayers. It user-friendly interface, providing individuals and businesses with a reliable solution for their tax responsibilities.

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