Gallstone or Gallbladder Stone Symptoms

29/02/2024 Hospitals, Clinics

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As stated, gallstone disease is one of the silent diseases which does not show any signs of pain or discomfort. Nevertheless, biliary colic occurs when the stones increase in size, blocking the biliary duct. Some of the gallstone pain symptoms in both male and female are:

The biliary colic pain occurs as severe, crampy waves of pain incapacitate the patient.

The pain episodes are periodic, with the gap spanning weeks to years.

Around 1-4 hours post-meal, the pain may begin. The pain intensity is very high, even at times awakening the patient during his/her sleep.

The pain may be increased if meals include fatty foods.

Nausea and vomiting are usually associated with colic.

The pain could last more than 2–4 hours.

Fever may be seen if the pain episodes last longer than 4-6.

In a few cases, pain or tenderness or both may be seen near the liver area (around lower right ribs-right upper quadrant)

In a few cases, depending upon the severity and other factors, pain could present across the entire upper abdomen, radiating to the back, right scapula, right flank, or chest.

In severe cases, apart from constant pain, fever, chills, increased heart rate, sunken eyes, and dark-coloured urine may manifest. The gallstones symptoms for female is same as that of male.

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