19/07/2021 Events
The importance of Guru
A Guru is accorded very prominent status in the Eastern philosophical tradition. Hindu scriptures lay down Maata (Mother), Pitha (Father), Guru (Teacher), and Deivam (God) as the steps for an individual's spiritual progress. Several ancient scriptures hail Guru at par with God.
Guru is a Sanskrit that means, 'One who shows light.' Yes, it the Guru who banishes the ignorance in his student by lighting the lamp of knowledge. Vedas say that God created Gurus as he cannot come to us to teach each and everything. Students of ancient times would learn from the Guru by staying with him in his place. They will perform all kinds of services to the Guru and, while completing their studies, will express their gratitude by paying Guru Dakshana.
Guru Mantra
A popular Sanskrit sloka given below will help you understand the importance of the Guru.
GururBrahma GururVishnu GururDevo Maheshwaraha|
Guru Saakshaat ParaBrahma Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha||
Meaning of the Sloka:
Guru is the Creator (Brahma), Guru is the Preserver(Vishnu), Guru is Destroyer(Maheshwara)
Guru is the absolute (singular) Lord himself, Humble Salutations to that Guru.
Guru Purnima
Guru Purnima falls on the full moon day of Ashadha month of the Hindu calendar. It generally occurs during July or August of the Gregorian calendar. Devotees and students offer fruits, sweets, or flowers to their Guru.
On Guru Purnima, Sage Ved Vyas is worshipped by the devotees and spiritual aspirants to progress spiritually.
Things to do on Guru Purnima
• Visit your teachers and 'Gurus' and pay your respects and gratitude by touching their feet.
• If your Guru has already passed away, you can visit their Jeeva samadhi or pay your respects to their portrait.
• You can observe fasting as a mark of respect to your Guru and indulge in meditation thinking of your Guru.
Calendar of Events
To celebrate the 2021 Guru Purnima, Pillai Center is hosting 22 days of free events. We invite you to take part in these events for the greater benefit of yourself and the world.
The details of the events are given below for your reference.
1. Daily chanting and avatar aarthi
The daily chanting and avatar Aarthi will be conducted a Pillai Center teacher, every day from July 1 - 21 at 6:30 pm PT.
These events help in tuning your consciousness towards the Guru in preparation for Guru Purnima. In addition, you will have the opportunity to receive multiplied benefits from chanting a key verse from the famous Guru Stotram, Dr. Pillai's Moola Mantra, and the performance of Avatar Aarthi—a practice given by Dr. Pillai to invoke miracles from the Guru.
2. Guru Purnima Webinar with Pillai Center Teacher
The Guru Purnima webinar is scheduled for July 10 at 11 am PT and hosted by a Pillai Center Teacher. This webinar is organized to enlighten you about Guru Purnima and its significance, and why Guru Purnima is the most powerful time of the year to connect with your Guru.
The webinar will reveal to you the techniques and special opportunities to join Dr. Pillai on Guru Purnima day.
3. Dr. Pillai's Guru Purnima Prep Webinar
On July 18 at 11:00 am PT join Dr. Pillai for the Guru Purnima Prep Webinar live event to receive his message about the significance of Guru Purnima 2021 and to know the ways to use this auspicious time. You may also receive any in-the-moment teachings from Dr.Pillai that he is inspired to share.
4. Time for Accessing the Grace of the Guru with Dr. Pillai
On July 22 (Guru Purnima Day) at 10:30 pm PT, Dr. Pillai will be hosting the free event, Time for Accessing the Grace of the Guru. He will host this event during Jupiter (Guru) hora (the ideal time of Guru Brahaspathi) on Guru Purnima day to share teachings and darshan (energetic transmission) to students.
Being in the presence of a Guru on Guru Purnima, virtual or physical, is considered a precious gift, so please use this rare opportunity and join this event led by Dr. Pillai.
We welcome you to join the Pillai Center’s Guru Purnima Events of 2021 and receive the abundant blessings and grace of the Guru.
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