18/09/2023 Other Services
Rajratan is the largest maufacturer of PAC pallets or Fly Ash Brick Pallet in India. There are wide variety of Fly Ash Brick pallets. These pallets are used in moulding of bricks,blocks and paver. These pallets helps to preserve nature and environment as they are made of composite of industrial grade plastics (PP, LDPE & HDPE), Aluminium Oxide, Fibres & XLP metals.
Types of pallets
• PAC® Pallet For Mould Stacking
• PAC® Brick Pallet
• PAC® Cement Block Pallet
These pallets are preferred by the people as they are strong, durable, water resistant and termite proof.
Rajratan is the largest maufacturer of PAC pallets or Fly Ash Brick Pallet in India. There are wide variety of Fly Ash Brick pallets. These pallets ar...
Eco-friendly construction is on the rise, with fly ash bricks at the forefront. Crafted from waste produced by power plants, these bricks are not only...
Eco-friendly construction is on the rise, with fly ash bricks at the forefront. Crafted from waste produced by power plants, these bricks are not only...
Looking for the top fly ash bricks suppliers? Chhikara Builders is your trusted partner for quality, durable, and eco-friendly bricks. With over 40 ye...
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