16/04/2024 Foreign Universities, Admissions

Price: 1.00 ₹


The universities in Germany for international students charge very moderate or zero tuition fees from them. All they charge from you is a semester contribution ranging anywhere between 300-500 Euros. This semester contribution comprises of your travel costs, meals, sport equipment, etc. Despite the fact that German universities cost low or no cost tuition fees and a very low cost of living in Germany, majority of the international students still opt for doing part time jobs in Germany. Taking care of your expenses is something every international fellow should be concerned about. Better would be if you start managing your expenses right from the commencement of your educational year and make a plan on how you will be maintaining the expenses during your entire educational journey.

Before you begin with yourstudies in Germany, you must ensure that you have a sum of 8,700 Euros to sustain yourself for 1 year. To confirm this, they ask for a document called “Finanzierungsnachweis” which is a proof that the candidate has the required funds to sustain for at least 1 year. This document is demanded from most of the international students as it is a crucial part in fulfilling the Germany student visa requirements and unless you have it, you can’t get a student visa in Germany.

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