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Expedia generally does not allow full name changes on bookings due to airline policies. However, minor spelling corrections may be possible. Contact Expedia support at +1-877-475-9154 , 1-855-200-2466 for assistance.

What is Expedia's change policy?

Expedia offers full refunds for cancellations made within 24 hours of booking, as long as your departure is at least two days away. You can reach them at at 1-877-475-9154 , 1-855-200-2466. For non-refundable tickets, you can change or cancel your booking without a fee at at 1-877-475-9154 , 1-855-200-2466, but instead of a refund, you will receive a travel credit.

how late can i change my flight with expedia?

Expedia passengers are allowed to correct misspelled or incorrect names on their tickets. To make changes, contact Customer Service at 1-877-475-9154 , 1-855-200-2466 (OTA). Name corrections can be made up to 2 hours before the flight departure at 1-877-475-9154 , 1-855-200-2466 . You can also make free name corrections within 24 hours of booking.

Does Expedia allow name change?

To change a name or traveler info, contact Expedia Customer Support at 1-877-475-9154 , 1-855-200-2466 . You can also log in to your Expedia account, go to trip details, and edit your traveler info. ????????????, ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????????????????? at 1-877-475-9154 , 1-855-200-2466 , ???????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????? ????????????????????????????'???? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ????????????????.

can i change ticket name on expedia ?

Yes, it is possible to change the name on your Expedia Airlines flight. To do so, you can either visit their official website or call their customer service directly at ☎1-877-475-9154 , 1-855-200-2466 (Ota). Once on the website, go to the "Manage My Trip" section, enter your reservation details, and select the option for a flight name change.

Can you transfer Expedia flights to another person?

Yes, you can change the name on your Expedia ticket by contacting their customer service. For assistance, call Expedia at 1-877-475-9154 , 1-855-200-2466 (US).

Can I change the passenger name after booking a flight?
Changing a passenger name after booking can be challenging. Airlines may permit minor corrections but not a full name change to a different person. If you need to make a correction, contact Expedia’s support team at 1-877-475-9154 , 1-855-200-2466 as soon as possible.

Can I change the name on my booking?
Yes, in some cases, you can change the name on your booking, but it’s subject to the airline’s rules and availability. Some airlines may charge a fee for name changes. To explore your options, reach out to Expedia at 1-877-475-9154 , 1-855-200-2466 .

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