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Streams in Engineering After 12th: Recently, 12th graders have been confused about which engineering majors to choose for their further studies. Should I do a B.Tech in Computer Science, Electronics and Communications? What is more prestigious? Which one pays more?These are the questions every 12th grade student asks as they begin preparing for the entrance exam. The amount of stress and confusion that students have to deal with in the 23 years leading up to college is due to a lack of knowledge about the different engineering disciplines and their prospects after college. This article describes in a meaningful way all the streams that are regularly polled by students as part of choosing the best engineering stream and preparing for entrance exams. Engineering Streams available after 12 years are completed in 4 years. These majors are undergraduate engineering majors that teach you the fundamentals of subjects like physics, chemistry, and math. Subsequently, students wishing to complete their engineering degree may enroll at the postgraduate level. Engineering has become a very popular profession in India. It's a career that offers you numerous opportunities in the business world and even in other industries.Engineering has various degree programs such as Bachelor of Technology / BE degree program and Master of Technology / M.E degree program. With so many courses on offer, students often have no idea what courses are available to them.

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