
The human being is an energy field of the Spirit. A weakening of this energy field through negative thinking and living leads to illness.
The right way of living and positive thinking, on the other hand, allows us to be healthy and remain spiritually active.
Find access to your soul, and get to know the consciousness centers, the switching point of the spiritual-divine life force, the link between soul and body.
Experience self-healing via the power of the Spirit with various illnesses as well as the effects of different types of fragrances, colors and sounds.

In this book, we learn:
What are the “consciousness centers” and what is their purpose?
How does God help us in the healing process?
How do magnetic field disruptions come about? And how can we counteract them?
How can we work with doctors and prepare spiritually for operations?
Fragrances, Colors, and Sound

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Book 379 pages

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Reference Id:#2368883
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