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eBay - A multi vendor eCommerce script, specially designed for multi vendor eCommerce platform. The application comprises various pleasing features which are extremely customer friendly and functional. eCommerce is rapidly growing platform these days in 2020, hence this is the right time to obtain advantage of this opportunity. Our ebay clone script would assist you to start your own eCommerce marketplace with all advance features in short time. Get in touch with Logicspice to get a demo of your app.

What does our eBay Clone offers you?
E-commerce retail marketplace became the most popular in 2020. So many retailers go online to sell their products. eBay, Etsy and other multi vendor retail marketplaces having remarkable growth. Our eBay clone script helps to launch your own ecommerce app and start earning.

eBay Clone Script is an eCommerce marketplace where individual vendors from distinct backgrounds come together and sell their products online through a single storefront as like etsy clone Script. eBay marketplace is a platform where vendors provide products and services to the customer and owner manages the website. With etsy clone app, Customers can order products online through the marketplace and Owner would be getting commision from every deal the vendor makes. eBay clone script benefits to both owners and vendors.

Using eBay clone, efforts of admin and vendor are reduced as admin does not have to find products to sell and vendor does not have to maintain a website.

Any entrepreneurs about to establish an eCommerce marketplace like etsy should look forward to start with etsy clone script. A perfect multi vendor eCommerce script that permits you to start a conversion focused multi vendor ecommerce marketplace.

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Reference Id:#1709786
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