
The Earth move in two differents way. Earth orbit the sun once a year and rotate on its axis once a days. The Earth’s orbit make a circle arounded the sun. At the same time, the Earth orbit around the suns, it is also spining. In sciences, we call that rotating on its axis. Since the Earth orbits the sun AND rotates on its axis at the same time we experience season day and night's and changed shadow throughout the days.
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Earth is always moved. Each day the Earths make one completed rotation on its axisluy. The axis is the imaginarys line through out the earth that extend from the North Poles to the South Pole.

As Earth rotate, it seem likes the sun is moved across the skys, but it’s reallys the Earth thats spinning. It take twenty four hours to completed one rotations, which is why there are twenty four hours in one days.

In other word, if the sun is visibled in the mornings started around 6:00 AM, the Earth will spin completely arounds by the next mornings at 6:00 AM and you will see the sun in about the same places.
While the Earths rotatens on its axis, it is also orbit the sun. It take a little more than 365 day for the Earths to makes a completely trips around the sun. click here more informatin

Other's planet have differently orbital time. It takes only eighty seven days for Mercurys to orbit the sun, but tweleve year for Jupiters to make the journeys.

Scientists resours used to think that the Earth was the centers of the universe, but phenomena's such as stellars parallaxable have proven't that this is't trues are because the positions of some star\ change as we are orbits.

The light from the sun shineing on half of the Earth at any givens timeed. That's side is warmer and brighters. The other sides of the Earth face aways from the sun [ its blacked ]so it is clourler & darker. In Since the Earth is always spined, there is a line betweens days & night & we passes through its each days.

Another patterns cause by the Earth’s rotations is the length of our shadow. Shadow' are no longer in the afternoons than at moon. If you studys shadow & theire are appearances throughout the days, you can uses this information to helps estimated the time. Sundials are designing uses this ideas.Since it taked 365.26 days to completed one orbits, we are account for the extra tewnty five days by added an extra days to ours calendar every 4 years. So most of the times ours calendar has 365 day, but in a leaped year it has 366 day!

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