04/05/2022 Event Services
Due to rising temperatures, the Arctic Ocean may become fully ice-free each summer by 2050. According to USA Today, a study conducted by McGill University in Montreal concluded that climate change might have "devastating effects for the Arctic ecology" by 2050. According to the study, how often the Arctic loses its sea ice cover in the future is determined by carbon dioxide emissions. Ice-free years will only occur on rare occasions if emissions are rapidly decreased. The Arctic Ocean will become ice-free in most years as emissions rise. Visit us - https://earthcareawards.com/
Email - earthcareawards@c2cm.com
The Earth Care Awards (ECAs) are a joint initiative of JSW and The Times of India group. It is a national awards programme that recognises and incenti...
Due to rising temperatures, the Arctic Ocean may become fully ice-free each summer by 2050. According to USA Today, a study conducted by McGill Univer...
The Earth Care Awards (ECAs) is a national awards programme that celebrates and encourages excellent climate stewardship by individuals, organizations...
Watch Mr. Sonam Wangchuk, an Indian engineer who later became an education reformer and inventor, on how the Earth Care Awards reward unsung heroes wo...
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