dream11 clone app

10/03/2023 Toys & Sports Items

Price: 999999.00 US$

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Dream11 Clone: What is it?
The goal of the Dream11 clone is to offer customers the greatest fantasy sports software with a design that is comparable to Dream11's. It has particular features and is outfitted with all of Dream11's technological capabilities with some changes. Due to the fact that this clone is a white label Dream11 clone script, clients that want it for business purposes would benefit more.

A user account is created after the user signs up using his or her email address and is confirmed. The user may further sign up by utilizing the referral code that he obtained from a friend or adversary.
The user is able to select the fantasy team and the competition he wants to take part in after kicking off the account.
Each player will cost a specific number of credit points, and the user will receive a certain number of credit points in exchange for their selection. A maximum number of players are available to the user within that set of credit points.
The user can take part in the competitions as well. Every competition has a cap on the number of teams that can enter.

Only before the game actually begins may you choose your team. Depending on how well your players performed in the actual match, you'll be awarded points. On the basis of the points amassed, you will receive the winning prizes and money
.Dream11 Clone App Features
1.Player Administration
The administrator has control over the gamers who have signed up for their clone app.
2.Match and Tournament Allocations
The Admin has full authority over whether to add or remove a match from the app.

Visit us;https://omninos.com/dream11-clone-app/

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