Discovering The Hidden Beauty Of Surah AlMulk

22/05/2024 Arts - Entertainment - Publishing

Price: 1.00 ₹


Surah Mulk is the most beloved and easy-to-memorize surah in the Quran. It is mentioned in Musnad Imam Ahmed, “That when the people enter his qabar (grave), if he is a Mu’min (believer), his prayer and his fasting surround him, and the angles come and the salah pushes them away, and they come from another side and the siam pushes it away, and the hadith then goes on, and as for the Kafir, nothing can push the angles away. So, the hadith goes on as a long hadith: What protects against the punishment of the grave? Salah and Siyam, but then we can extrapolate any good deed. Excellent point here.

What protects from the punishment of Grave? Any good deed is explicit here; Salah and Siyam stand as protections. Salah and Siyam are the Arkans of Islam and they include the Quran, dhikr, dua, and sajdah. All types of worship are included here, so we can say,

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