01/11/2021 Technology
A digital signature is a kind of electronic signature that uses an encryption system. Thus, the digital signature becomes a subset of electronic signature and therefore is a particular type of electronic signature. Digital signatures are based on using a mathematical function that can be created only by the creator as equivalent to putting the creator’s manuscript signature. This mathematical function called “key” and, being unique to the creator named as “private key,” is usually copied onto a device like a USB token so that it can be used to add to another code to increase the safety of use.
A digital signature uses a private key and public key combination to provide electronic authentication. This is similar to encrypted messages that worldwide military use to send coded messages to their intended destinations. The encryption may be of different types and one of the types is followed depending on convenience or standards to be adhered to.
Aadhaar eSign is a digital signature system that is linked to the unique identification number of India. It has emerged as a promising solution for th...
Yes, you can use Digital Signature for signing sensitive documents to ensure their authenticity and validity. However, when you integrate digital sign...
Today's digital era has changed the way we work. Paper-based signatures are no longer necessary for signing any documents. Instead, signers can use Di...
Aadhaar Signature is an advanced process that utilizes the Aadhaar database so that it can verify the authenticity of digital signatures in various tr...
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