01/09/2021 Language Classes
Learn the different ways to say sorry in Japanese language.
Gomennasai (ごめんなさい)
Translation: I am sorry.
This can be used in any situation, be it if you hurt someone mistakenly or you have inconvenienced someone. It’s the easiest way to say ‘sorry’ in Japanese and it can also be used either sincerely or sarcastically.
You could also just simply say “Gomen”, without the “nasai”.
Honto ni gomen ne (本当にごめんね。ほんとうに ごめんね。)
Translation: I am really sorry.
When you are REALLY apologetic, just add “honto ni” before your “gomen” and your sincerity will be received.
Moshi wakenai. (申し訳ない、もうしわけない。)
Translation: I feel terrible.
Let’s say someone is going through a lot of trouble to help you with something and you feel bad to have dragged them into your problem. In this case, start with “Gomenasai” followed by “Moshi wakenai”. This is a polite way of saying “I am sorry for troubling you. I feel terrible.”
Sugoku gomen ne. (凄く、ごめんね。 すごく ごめんね。)
Translation: I am truly sorry.
If the person you are apologizing to doesn’t feel that your “Gomenasai” is genuine enough, adding “sugoku”, which can mean “extremely” will show your seriousness.
Sumimasen (すみません)
Translation: Excuse me.
Like the picture we’ve painted for you above, if you bump into someone on the street or anywhere else, add “Sumimasen” after your “Gomenasai “.
O-wabi mōshiagemasu (お詫び申し上げます)
Translation: I make a deep apology.
Another way of saying “I sincerely apologize”, this is a polite way of apologizing in Japanese. You can use this when apologizing to your elders or supervisors in your workplace.
Kokorokara owabi moushiagemasu (心からお詫び申し上げます)
Translation: Heartfelt apologies.
This is another formal apology usually used when professionals apologize for their incompetence or shortcomings. This will definitely be helpful for you at your workplace in Japan.
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